Learn to Install or Sell Solar
Install Solar by Partnering with Solar Energy Team Today!
Be up and running in less than 30 days.
Call 307-461-9377
SOLAR ENERGY PV INSTALLATIONS are a booming trend secment. Most states are demanding 30% to even 100% electricity from renewables by 2030 or so.
By joining as a partner and paying the franchise type fee, we will give access to everything we got and have you up and running in days and creating income within weeks.
EVERYTHING means it all. Access to our banks, distributors, lead sources and leads. Also 100 hours of one-on-one training and actually BOOTS-ON-THE-ROOF. Yes you will get an actual installer on your roof for the first installation as part of the package.
We are 1st and foremost a profitable solar installer
We want to share with you our secrets and contacts for we profit when you also profit!
BONUS offer worth $100K to some – Including our ASSET ACCUMULATION ENERGY SECRET know by the few to legally ZERO your federal tax bill for year to come. This alone is worth the price to partner with us. And we have all the paperwork to